Thursday, January 19, 2012


Jonah had a super night at class tonight.  I couldn't have asked for much more on the class before our Pairs debut.

For our first run, Rommy (Grace's senior dog) came out while we ran.  Jonah didn't blink at all.  He ran the course very well and wasn't the least bit distracted.  He did come off the teeter fast (I don't think it was quite a flyoff, but it wasn't the performance I would like), so he may have been a little hyped up because of the other dog, but he never even looked in the dog's direction.  What a great job.

We ran that same course again with Rommy in presence once more.  This time Jonah blew an A-frame contact (it was a long running stretch and he had a lot of speed going into it), but he still did not seem bothered in the least by the other dog.

For our third run Grace brought out Zer, her younger dog, thinking that he has more energy and might be more distracting.  Not so.  Jonah never looked at him.  This course had one tough spot that we bit.  It looked like this:

I was ahead of Jonah after the tire, and he ducked into the tunnel before he caught up to me.  Oops.  Again, though, it didn't have anything to do with Zer being in the ring.  It was just my bad.  We tried it again with me staying back and making sure he was right with me, almost Snooker style.  That worked well.

Aside from that, the course went nicely.

Oh, one more thing--I made an effort to practice sit-stay lead outs since that had been an issue for us last weekend.  He was perfect all but one time when, like on Saturday, he just did NOT want to sit.  So, I had him stay in a stand, and that worked just fine.  He didn't move a muscle.  That's something good to remember in the future.  For this weekend, I'll just try not to lead out if possible.

We ran one last sequence with the next class of dogs in the corner by the door as our distraction.  Once again, Jonah was excellent.

So, I'm feeling pretty good about this weekend.  I don't think there's any way I can keep him from barking some, but I think he'll be able to focus and do his job.  It should be interesting!

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