Monday, November 7, 2011

Little Wonders

Two little things happened today that were impressive, and of at least some interest to this blog.

1)  Our neighbor's dog, Tino, came over this afternoon while Jonah and I were outside.  They love to play together and were having a generally gleeful time.  The highlight (for me, at least) was when Jonah ran so fast into the bushes that Tino (an overweight, adult lab) lost him.  Jonah then stopped in a play bow about 25 yards away around a little corner, and Tino was just walking around looking everywhere for Jonah.  Hysterical.  Anyway, at first they were in the backyard, but then Tino's mom realized he was missing and came over to retrieve him.  While we were talking and watching them play, now in the front yard, a dog and its person walked by.  Tino started barking and charged at them.  Jonah started to follow suit.  I called Jonah...and he stopped dead and looked back at me.  Then he looked over at Tino (still barreling towards the walkers).  I called him again.  He came trotting happily over to me.  What a good boy.  Recall with motivating distractors!

2)  When I got home from school tonight all of the brush in the driveway was gone and there were beautiful piles of mulch!  Apparently mom managed to grab a group of landscapers who were working across the street and get them to come over at the end of their day.  Not only did they get what I'd dragged to the driveway, but they went out to our agility area and finished those piles off, too!  Amazing.  I'll try to take another 'after' picture tomorrow so you can see the turnaround since the storm last weekend.

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