Dave kindly did some video work for us this evening.
Here's a look at how the running A-frame is going on the low frame. I'm quite pleased. He's not full-drive, but it's nice to see that he can hit the striding while he's that relaxed. Sorry for all the 'down time' in the video:
Here's a look at our dogwalk. He breaks his stride a few times over the top so that could be faster, but he looks happy and confident. I don't like that he turns towards me in the 2o2o. I'll have to keep an eye out for that.
And, finally, here's a peak at our weaves. As always, they could be faster, but it's not half bad.
Here's a look at how the running A-frame is going on the low frame. I'm quite pleased. He's not full-drive, but it's nice to see that he can hit the striding while he's that relaxed. Sorry for all the 'down time' in the video:
Here's a look at our dogwalk. He breaks his stride a few times over the top so that could be faster, but he looks happy and confident. I don't like that he turns towards me in the 2o2o. I'll have to keep an eye out for that.
And, finally, here's a peak at our weaves. As always, they could be faster, but it's not half bad.
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