Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We're still in the Poconos series.  Hopefully I can get up to real time for our lesson tomorrow!  This post was originally written at the end of the week.

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We have taken Jonah out kayaking a few times, and I think he likes it more each time.  The first time Dave had to pick him up and put him in my kayak, but ever since that first time he is happy to jump right into the kayak from the dock.  It's not as wet as jumping into the water!  He also likes to jump onto and off of the sailboat, but we've decided it's not a good idea to take him out sailing.

Once Jonah is on the kayak he is usually very good.  He likes to lean over and get a drink from time to time, and he will shift positions, but he is rarely disruptive.  His biggest problem is when he sees his dad when he's riding with me or if he sees me when he's riding with his dad.  He would very much like to go visit!  When we're close together it's fine, but when we get farther apart, and the one time when Dave was sailing and I was kayaking, Jonah gets pretty excited.  Maybe we should just let him jump some time, but I don't think either of us particularly want to have a dripping wet puppy in our kayak, so we've held off on that so far.  Well, you'll see a slight exception to that in a moment.

Anyway, this is largely a picture post!  I decided I wanted some shots of Jonah kayaking, so we went out with a camera in hand.  Here we go...

Jonah the figurehead

I've been spotted

Alert and stoic

Sometimes you get thirsty...good thing the water is nearby.

Playtime?!  It's hard to see Dave's face here, but if you click on the image to enlarge it, you can see two happy boys at play.



Look what I did, Mom!

There's a rock in one corner of the lake.  We went over to it and Jonah wanted to get out.  I love his zigzag reflection in the water.

Standing on the edge of the rock under a few inches of water, Jonah decides it's a good idea to push Dave's kayak...

...but it backfires and Jonah ends up in the water.  He swims to me (not the rock that's much closer) for help.

Mom!  Dad made me wet.  Somehow he managed to pull himself up onto the kayak while he was swimming, rather than going the three more feet to land.  I was impressed it didn't tip.  Of course, then he was standing on the body of the kayak behind me.  Dave paddled over and got Jonah back into his kayak.

Heading back home.

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